Available on crate feature compute_cast only.
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Defines different casting operators such as cast or primitive_to_binary.


options defining how Cast kernels behave


Conversion of binary

Cast BinaryArray to DictionaryArray, also known as packing.

Conversion of binary

Conversion to utf8

Casts a BinaryArray to a PrimitiveArray, making any uncastable value a Null.

Conversion to utf8

Casts the BooleanArray to a BinaryArray, casting trues to "1" and falses to "0"

Casts the BooleanArray to a Utf8Array, casting trues to "1" and falses to "0"

Return true if a value of type from_type can be cast into a value of to_type. Note that such as cast may be lossy.

Cast array to the provided data type and return a new Array with type to_type, if possible.

Conversion of dates

Conversion of dates

Casts days_mss to months_days_ns. This operation is infalible and lossless.

Returns a PrimitiveArray<i128> with the casted values. Values are None on overflow

Returns a PrimitiveArray<i128> with the casted values. Values are None on overflow

Returns a PrimitiveArray<i128> with the casted values. Values are None on overflow

Casts a DictionaryArray to a new DictionaryArray backed by a different physical type of the keys, while keeping the values equal.

Casts a DictionaryArray to a new DictionaryArray by keeping the keys and casting the values to values_type.

Casts a DictionaryArray to its values’ DataType, also known as unpacking. The resulting array has the same length.

Casts f16 into f32

Returns a PrimitiveArray<i128> with the casted values. Values are None on overflow

Returns a PrimitiveArray<i128> with the casted values. Values are None on overflow

Casts months represented as i32s to months_days_ns. This operation is infalible and lossless.

Returns a Utf8Array where every element is the utf8 representation of the timestamp in the rfc3339 format.

Casts a BinaryArray to a PrimitiveArray at best-effort using lexical_core::parse_partial, making any uncastable value as zero.

Casts a Utf8Array to a PrimitiveArray at best-effort using lexical_core::parse_partial, making any uncastable value as zero.

Cast PrimitiveArray as a PrimitiveArray Same as number as to_number_type in rust

Returns a BinaryArray where every element is the binary representation of the number.

Returns a BooleanArray where every element is different from zero. Validity is preserved.

Cast PrimitiveArray to a PrimitiveArray of another physical type via numeric conversion.

Cast PrimitiveArray to a PrimitiveArray of the same physical type. This is O(1).

Returns a Utf8Array where every element is the utf8 representation of the number.

Conversion of time

Conversion of times

Conversion of times

Conversion of time

Conversion of times

Conversion of times

Conversion of timestamp

Conversion of timestamp

Conversion of timestamp

Returns a Utf8Array where every element is the utf8 representation of the timestamp in the rfc3339 format.

Conversion of utf8

Conversion to binary

Casts a Utf8Array to a Date32 primitive, making any uncastable value a Null.

Casts a Utf8Array to a Date64 primitive, making any uncastable value a Null.

Cast Utf8Array to DictionaryArray, also known as packing.

Conversion of utf8

Casts a Utf8Array to a PrimitiveArray, making any uncastable value a Null.

Similar to dictionary_to_dictionary_keys, but overflowing cast is wrapped

Similar to dictionary_to_dictionary_values, but overflowing cast is wrapped